Transformer Kern Function
Kern Transformer is a transformer that has a Kern core (core). The function of the Kern Transformer is to facilitate the flux path, which is caused by an electric current passing through the coil. Made from thin insulated iron plates, to reduce heat (as iron losses) generated by "Eddy Current".
Types of Kern Transformers Based on the Material
Kern Transformers are made of different materials, and there are several different types. Here are some specific examples and how they work:
Steel Laminated Cores
This type is known for its permeability, which reduces the magnetizing current and makes it a suitable choice for use in transmitting voltages at the audio frequency level.
Solid Cores
It has the highest magnetic permeability and electrical resistance. They tend to use power transmission, where the frequency is high and requires smooth and safe performance. This type is solid and has a long service life.
Toroidal Cores
It is used as an inductor in electrical circuits due to its circular design; they are effective and efficient in handling high energy loads.
Transformer Kern Materials
- Amorphous Steel
- Solid Iron Core
- Amorphous Metals
- Ferrite Ceramics
- Laminated Magnetic Cores
- Carbonyl Iron Cores
- Silicon Steel
Selling the Best Cheap Transformer Kern
At Teka Indo, to ensure high quality Transformer Kern, we offer product testing to ensure the product you buy passes the required standard test. Ready to talk about your Transformer Kern needs? Contact our transformer kern sales marketing right now! to get detailed information about our products.
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